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What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a hands-on bodywork method used to gently and effectively address chronic pain conditions.


Fascia is a connective tissue that forms a network all over your body. It encompasses the tissues, organs, bones, skin, and muscles of the body.


Sometimes, when we have injuries, surgeries, or get into a rut with how we are moving our bodies, fascia can get stuck, dried out, and knotted together. This causes it to operate ineffectively and can be a contributing factor to chronic pain.


When you come to myofascial release sessions, your therapist uses compression and traction over a long period of time, helping bring fluid back into the dried-out, stuck areas of the fascia, restoring range of motion and reducing your pain.


I’ve included a short video on what fascia is, including a visual representation, and what myofascial release can do for your body.

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How Do I Get Started With Myofascial Release?

  • Watch the videos on this page to show you what myofascial release (MFR) is and what a session looks like

  • Initial sessions include reviewing your health intake form.

  • We will discuss your goals and needs. 

  • I will conduct a structural/posture analysis to determine issues

  • The John F. Barnes method of myofascial release is used  to release restricted or stuck areas in your fascia/connective tissue with gentle compression and/or traction applied over several minutes. Follow the link for more information on what "myofascial release" is.

  • Sessions are designed to facilitate your healing without injury

  • A note about "deep tissue":  although MFR is a very gentle bodywork method, it is considered a deep tissue technique because it works with the many layers of the body.  

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Do You Help Treat Terminal or Chronic Illness?

​Depending on your issue, I may need a clearance from a doctor before I can work with you safely.  Click the button below to get a physician's permission form. 


Conditions like fibromyalgia and other types of chronic pain are frequently helped with myofascial release as a part of your strategy towards healing and wellness.


Clients are encouraged to find what works for them. I can offer resources for other types of help: nutrition, mindfulness, yoga, chiropractic, etc.

Crystal Salt

How Should I Prepare For My First Myofascial Release Session?

You will be sent a Welcome email previous to your first appointment.  It includes policies and important information. Please note, COVID policies are being updated as guidelines from the CDC change.




Be ready to bring in a completed health intake form or allow time to fill out a paper copy in the office.  




Bring or wear:

  • Females: loose tank top/sports bra and a pair of loose shorts (or whatever you have that's closest!)

  • Males: a pair of loose shorts.


You will be given privacy to change into these at the studio.

Plan on being in the studio for about an extra half an hour.  This allows time for paperwork, intake interview, assessment, and questions.

What Should I Expect After My First Myofascial Release Session?

I will discuss with you how you want to proceed, answer your questions and if desired, schedule your next appointment.


I will often give you suggested self-care.  I may also offer other resources you may find helpful.


I follow up in writing with the suggestions and resources talked about at the end of your first session.


Sometimes, clients are a little sore for a day or so afterwards.  You may feel as if you've had a bit of a workout!  Always be kind to yourself, and if you have any questions please ask.

What is a Myofascial Release Session Like?

This is a quick demo of what a myofascial release session may entail at Time To Relax.  I hope you find this useful!

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